087 537 0777

Virtual Meeting Solutions

Virtual Meeting Solutions

Secure Witness Rooms

Virtual Hearing Facilitation

Video Conferencing

Witness Room Sandton
Witness Room Sandton Virtual View

Remote Witness Rooms:

Maintain the Integrity of any interview, meeting, court proceeding or arbitration with our new secure witness room. With multiple camera views, you can be sure there is no coaching or intimidation of witnesses.

Remote Hearing facilitation:

Technology can always get the better of us and if you are not confident enough to host or control a meeting then let PSI help you. We will manage the entire process from beginning to end. We will create the meeting, send invites, ensure all parties are connected, ensure the recording and transcribing is functional and email the recording afterwards to all parties.

Video Conference Facility:

If you need to have a meeting with multiple parties but don’t have your own boardroom or video conference equipment then let PSI host your team. We offer state of the art video conference equipment that can be hired by the hour.

All solutions are available nationally so contact our call centre on 087 537 0777 or email us at sales@psiservices.co.za to book your next virtual meeting.
